Direct and indirect impact of internal working models of self on male sexual function


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Abstract Objectives Internal working models (IWM) represent the internal representation about the self, expressed by a sense of self-worth (+) or self-blaming (-), and significant others, expressed by the expectation of availability and support (+) or indifference (-), guiding the interpersonal strategies to regulate intimate affects and choosing romantic and sexual partners. Even if the relationship between IWM and close relationships has been deepen investigated, only few studies evaluate the impact of IWM on sexual function. Thus, we aim to investigate the interplay among IWM, dyadic cohesion and erectile and orgasmic function in males. Methods Through an online platform, a convenience sample of 1052 partnered males were recruited (age: 40.45±12.94). Enrolled subjects compiled a psychometric protocol composed of: the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS); the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ); the Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM); the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) and the Male Orgasmometer. Correlation, linear regression and mediation model analyses were performed. Results A significant positive correlation was found between the Model of Self (MS) and dyadic cohesion and sexological variables; on the other hand, no significant correlation was found between the Model of Other (MO) and sexological variable, unlike a positive correlation emerged between the MO and dyadic cohesion. Mediation Analysis evidenced the significant influence of MS towards erectile function (β=0.05), premature ejaculation (β=-0.03) and perceived orgasmic intensity (β=0.04), both directly and indirectly. Furthermore, dyadic cohesion significantly mediates the indirect pathways between the MS and sexological variables (β=0.03). Conclusions These results highlighted the important role of MS in the relational and sexual health and showed how internal representation of Self could, both directly and indirectly impact on the perception of dyadic and sexual experience and the onset of sexual dysfunctions, such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in male population. Conflicts of Interest The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
internal working models,self,male
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