Reference values for the Adult Attachment Assessment Questionnaire: Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR-12) in the Chilean Adult Population


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The Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) questionnaire is a widely used self-report measure to assess adult attachment, based on two dimensions: attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. This instrument has been adapted in multiple contexts, including the Chilean, for which there is an abbreviated version (ECR-12), that is the object of analysis in the present study. Although there is consensus that attachment security is best described in dimensional terms, there are areas, such as clinical practice, where having reference values could be useful. The aim of this study is to provide reference values for the interpretation of ECR-12 scores in the Chilean context. To do this, a sample of 6779 participants was evaluated using the ECR-12. The z-score normalization method was used to obtain the reference values. The analyzes carried out showed the need to build scales differentiated by age. Thus, for the group of 29 years or less, the cut-off point in the anxiety dimension is an average equal to or greater than 4.4 points, and for avoidance, the cut-off point is an average equal to or greater than 2.5. On the other hand, for the group aged 30 or older, the cut-off point in the anxiety dimension is an average equal to or greater than 4.2, and for avoidance, it is an average equal to or greater than 2.9. These findings can be relevant not only for identifying people who may present substantially high levels of anxiety and/or avoidance in attachment, but also as a complementary clinical tool in therapeutic contexts.
attachment styles, adult attachment, close relationships, cut-off points, ECR-12
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