A multi-agent reinforcement learning method with curriculum transfer for large-scale dynamic traffic signal control

Appl. Intell.(2023)

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Using reinforcement learning to control traffic signal systems has been discussed in recent years, but most works focused on simple scenarios such as a single crossroads, and the methods aiming at large-scale traffic scenarios face long-time training and suboptimal results. In this work, we develop a new multi-agent reinforcement model for large-scale traffic signal control tasks, and a curriculum transfer learning method is developed to optimize the joint policy step by step. The policies for different intersections are trained in a partially observable Markov decision process with centralized training and decentralized execution mechanism, and we design transformer modules for both the policy and evaluation networks by attention mechanism. We first train policies in a simple traffic scenario, and then these policies are transferred to the next curriculum by policy reloading, while the experiences of the source task are reused selectively. With the number of agents increasing, our method can achieve satisfactory performances quickly by reusing the knowledge from previous curriculums. We conduct several experiments on the Cityflow testbed. In the case of more than 10 crossroads, our model improve the mean reward from 3.0 to 5.0.
Traffic signal control, Reinforcement learning, Curriculum learning
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