All-in-one picture: visual summary of items in a recommender system

Neural Comput. Appl.(2023)

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Navigation through large volumes of images is a complex and tedious task that requires tools to facilitate the exploration and discovery of visual information. Photo summaries are one of these tools, which consist of selecting a reduced set of images that best represent the original data source. However, creating photo summaries in the context of recommender systems poses several challenges: How to select the most relevant images for each item? How to encode each image? How to evaluate the quality of the generated summary? In this manuscript, we propose a clustering-based method to create a visual summary in the context of a restaurant recommender system, which includes the photos taken by users who visited the restaurants (items) in a given city. These photos are encoded using a deep neural network that takes into account not only their content but also the relationships between users and restaurants. This encoding will allow us to create a visual summary that captures the essence of user tastes and illustrates the gastronomic offer of the city. We also propose a similarity measure between items based on the users who have visited them and an evaluation method that calculates to what extent the summary obtained represents the original data source. The experimentation carried out includes five datasets and the obtained results demonstrate the adequacy of our proposal for the construction of these summaries.
Recommender systems,Visual summaries,Deep learning,,Clustering
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