Ensemble Tabnet Predicting a T-Cell/MHC-I-Based Immune Profile Biomarker for Colorectal Liver Metastases from CT Images.


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Colorectal cancer liver metastases (CLM) are the most common type of distant metastases originating from the abdomen and are characterized by a high recurrence rate after curative resection. It has been previously reported that CLM presenting a low cluster of differentiation 3 (CD3) positive T-cell infiltration density concurrent with a high major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) expression were associated with poor clinical outcomes. In this study, we attempt to noninvasively predict whether a CLM exhibits the CD3(Low)MHC(High) immunological profile using preoperative CT images. To this end, we propose an ensemble network combining multiple Attentive Interpretable Tabular learning (TabNet) models, trained using CT-derived radiomic features. A total of 160 CLM were included in this study and randomly divided between a training set (n=130) and a hold-out test set (n=30). The proposed model yielded good prediction performance on the test set with an accuracy of 70.0% [95% confidence interval 53.6%-86.4%] and an area under the curve of 69.4% [52.9%-85.9%]. It also outperformed other off-the-shelf machine learning models. We finally demonstrated that the predicted immune profile was associated with a shorter disease-specific survival (p =.023) and time-to-recurrence (p =.020), showing the value of assessing the immune response.
Colorectal cancer liver metastases, noninvasive prognostic biomarker, immune profiling, attentive interpretable tabular learning, ensemble learning
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