Relationship Between Degree of Appropriation of ICT and Learning Styles of Teachers in Training.

Olga Marina Martínez-Palmera, Ever Mejía Leguia, Hilda Rosa Guerrero-Cuentas,Yuneidis Morales-Ortega, Gilma Camargo Romero, Carmen I. Imitola, Estella I. Imitola


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The incursion of Information Technology and Communications (ICT) in education is shaping and modifying teaching-learning processes. Therefore, educational institutions have been forced to offer contextualized training programs according to the personal characteristics of the actors. The article presents the results of a research carried out at Barranquilla-Colombia, whose objective was to analyze the relationship between the appropriation of ICT mediations and learning styles in an initial teacher training program. For this, the process of appropriation of ICT was characterized from the profile of mediation agents in initial teacher training, and the learning styles of students who are being trained as teachers were identified. Under a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, and a sample of 63 teachers in training for the first and fourth semester to whom a REATIC (Cognitive and Affective Reactions to Information and Communication Technology) questionnaire and a CHAEA (Honey-Alonso Questionnaire of Learning Styles) questionnaire. Data was analyzed using R Studio statistical software. The Pearson, Kendall, T-Student, Wilcoxy ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tests were applied. The results indicate a higher degree of educational appropriation of ICT in individuals with a pragmatic learning style.
ict,appropriation,learning styles,teachers
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