Influence of Demographic Variables and Usage Behaviour on the Perceived User Experience.

WEBIST (Revised Selected Papers)(2022)

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Users form an overall impression concerning the user experience (UX) based on their perception of special UX qualities. Therefore, measuring users’ perceptions of these particular UX aspects is essential for determining the UX of a product. The measured hedonic qualities, e.g. stimulation or aesthetics, and pragmatic qualities, e.g. efficiency or learnability, form a suitable overall impression of the perceived user experience of the product. In practice, the measurement of such qualities is often carried out with the help of standardized questionnaires such as the SUS, UMUX, or UEQ. However, the same product sometimes shows large differences in the ratings of different users. It is conceivable that other factors, for example, demographics, usage frequency, or experience with a product, can influence UX ratings. In a previous study (Kollmorgen, Schrepp & Thomaschewski, 2022), the four products Netflix, Microsoft PowerPoint, BigBlueButton, and Zoom were examined for differences in the UX ratings according to such factors. In the present paper, the data set was extended by two additional products of different product categories to deepen and broaden the investigation of the influences of external factors on the perceived UX of products, with a specific focus on their impact on pragmatic and hedonic qualities.
demographic variables,usage behaviour,experience
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