Expedited Data Transfers for Serverless Clouds


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Serverless computing has emerged as a popular cloud deployment paradigm. In serverless, the developers implement their application as a set of chained functions that form a workflow in which functions invoke each other. The cloud providers are responsible for automatically scaling the number of instances for each function on demand and forwarding the requests in a workflow to the appropriate function instance. Problematically, today's serverless clouds lack efficient support for cross-function data transfers in a workflow, preventing the efficient execution of data-intensive serverless applications. In production clouds, functions transmit intermediate, i.e., ephemeral, data to other functions either as part of invocation HTTP requests (i.e., inline) or via third-party services, such as AWS S3 storage or AWS ElastiCache in-memory cache. The former approach is restricted to small transfer sizes, while the latter supports arbitrary transfers but suffers from performance and cost overheads. This work introduces Expedited Data Transfers (XDT), an API-preserving high-performance data communication method for serverless that enables direct function-to-function transfers. With XDT, a trusted component of the sender function buffers the payload in its memory and sends a secure reference to the receiver, which is picked by the load balancer and autoscaler based on the current load. Using the reference, the receiver instance pulls the transmitted data directly from the sender's memory. XDT is natively compatible with existing autoscaling infrastructure, preserves function invocation semantics, is secure, and avoids the cost and performance overheads of using an intermediate service for data transfers. We prototype our system in vHive/Knative deployed on a cluster of AWS EC2 nodes, showing that XDT improves latency, bandwidth, and cost over AWS S3 and ElasticCache.
expedited data transfers,serverless clouds,data transfers
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