Physics-informed neural network to augment experimental data: an application to stratified flows

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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We develop a physics-informed neural network (PINN) to significantly augment state-of-the-art experimental data and apply it to stratified flows. The PINN is a fully-connected deep neural network fed with time-resolved, three-component velocity fields and density fields measured simultaneously in three dimensions at $Re = O(10^3)$ in a stratified inclined duct experiment. The PINN enforces incompressibility, the governing equations for momentum and buoyancy, and the boundary conditions by automatic differentiation. The physics-constrained, augmented data are output at an increased spatio-temporal resolution and demonstrate five key results: (i) the elimination of measurement noise; (ii) the correction of distortion caused by the scanning measurement technique; (iii) the identification of weak but dynamically important three-dimensional vortices; (iv) the revision of turbulent energy budgets and mixing efficiency; and (v) the prediction of the latent pressure field and its role in the observed Holmboe wave dynamics. These results mark a significant step forward in furthering the reach of experiments, especially in the context of turbulence, where accurately computing three-dimensional gradients and resolving small scales remain enduring challenges.
stratified flows,neural network,experimental data,physics-informed
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