The (in)visible Brazilians: A perspective review on the need for brain health and dementia research with Brazilian immigrants in the United States


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Introduction: The Brazilian population in the United States (U.S.), a Latinx subgroup, is rapidly growing and aging but remains underrepresented in U.S. health research. In addition to group-specific genetic and environmental risks, Brazilian immigrants and their offspring in the U.S. likely have cumulative risks for health inequities. It is estimated that 71% of Brazilian immigrants in the U.S. are undocumented, which may limit healthcare access/utilization. Furthermore, mental health is reported as a health priority by Brazilian immigrants in the U.S., and there is a lack of research on Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (AD/ADRD) in this population.Methods: We reviewed the scientific literature using traditional (e.g., PubMed) sources and databases generated by U.S. and Brazilian governments, as well as international organizations, and press articles.Results: This perspective review lists recommendations for researchers, health providers, and policymakers to promote greater inclusion of U.S. Brazilian populations in health research and care. The review identifies research areas in need of attention to address health inequities and promote mental/brain health in Brazilian immigrants and their offspring living in the U.S. These research areas are: 1) epidemiological studies to map the prevalence and incidence of mental/brain health conditions; 2) research on aging and AD/ADRD risk factors among Brazilian populations in the U.S.; and 3) the need for greater representation of U.S-residing Brazilian population in other relevant research areas involving genetics, neuropathology, and clinical trials.Conclusions: The recommendation and research efforts proposed should help to pave the way for the development of community-engagement research and to promote mental/brain health education, improvement of mental/brain health and AD/ADRD services, and the development of culturally-informed intervention to the U.S.-residing Brazilian communities.
aging,Alzheimer's disease,Brazilian immigrants,dementia,health disparities,health equity,Latinx,mental health,minority groups
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