Physically consistent gravitational waveform for capturing beyond general relativity effects in the compact object merger phase

Physical Review D(2023)

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The merger phase of compact binary coalescences is the strongest gravity regime that can be observed. To test the validity of general relativity (GR) in strong gravitational fields, we propose a gravitational waveform parameterized for deviations from GR in the dynamical and nonlinear regime of gravity. Our fundamental idea is that perturbative modifications to a GR waveform can capture possible deviations in the merger phase that are difficult to model in a specific theory of gravity. One of notable points is that our waveform is physically consistent in the sense that the additional radiative losses of energy and angular momentum associated with beyond-GR modifications are included. Our prescription to ensure physical consistency in the whole coalescence process is expected to be applicable to any deviation from the standard model of compact binary coalescence, such as the extended models of gravity or the environmental effects of compact objects, as long as perturbative modifications are considered. Based on the Fisher analysis and the compatibility with Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet waveforms, we show that our parameterization is a physically-consistent minimal one that captures the deviations in the nonlinear regime.
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