Hydrocele Masking Testicular Tumour With Extensive Nodal Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review.

Hani Sayedin, Ramandeep Chalokia, Rene Woderich


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Hydrocele is one of the most common causes of scrotal swellings. Fluid accumulation within the tunica vaginalis, a remnant of the peritoneum covering the testicle, leads to scrotal swelling. It is known to be a benign condition with no subsequent complications apart from increasing in size causing discomfort. Some patients could cope with the swelling effect and continue their life with no desire for further management while others are not fit for surgical intervention and would be treated conservatively with the same concept. However, once the testicle becomes swollen by the surrounding fluid, it would be difficult to examine the testicle itself even by an expert physician. We present here a 46-year-old patient who has been diagnosed with right hydrocele for a long time. The patient noticed general weakness and loss of weight. Initial investigations showed iron deficiency anemia and imaging showed retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Eventually, testicular ultrasonography showed a right testicular tumour that was masked by a hydrocele, resulting in delayed presentation of metastatic testicular cancer.
extensive nodal disease
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