First Observation of Cyclotron Radiation from MeV-Scale e^{±} following Nuclear β Decay.

W Byron, H Harrington,R J Taylor, W DeGraw,N Buzinsky, B Dodson, M Fertl,A García, G Garvey, B Graner, M Guigue, L Hayen, X Huyan, K S Khaw, K Knutsen, D McClain, D Melconian, P Müller, E Novitski, N S Oblath, R G H Robertson, G Rybka, G Savard, E Smith, D D Stancil, M Sternberg, D W Storm, H E Swanson, J R Tedeschi,B A VanDevender, F E Wietfeldt, A R Young, X Zhu

Physical review letters(2023)

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We present an apparatus for detection of cyclotron radiation yielding a frequency-based β^{±} kinetic energy determination in the 5 keV to 2.1 MeV range, characteristic of nuclear β decays. The cyclotron frequency of the radiating β particles in a magnetic field is used to determine the β energy precisely. Our work establishes the foundation to apply the cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) technique, developed by the Project 8 Collaboration, far beyond the 18-keV tritium endpoint region. We report initial measurements of β^{-}'s from ^{6}He and β^{+}'s from ^{19}Ne decays to demonstrate the broadband response of our detection system and assess potential systematic uncertainties for β spectroscopy over the full (MeV) energy range. To our knowledge, this is the first direct observation of cyclotron radiation from individual highly relativistic β's in a waveguide. This work establishes the application of CRES to a variety of nuclei, opening its reach to searches for new physics beyond the TeV scale via precision β-decay measurements.
cyclotron radiation,decay,nuclear,mev-scale
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