Single-cell transcriptomics of Treg reveals hallmarks and trajectories of immunological aging


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Age-related immunosenescence is characterized by progressive dysfunction of adaptive immune response and increased autoimmunity. Nevertheless, the impact of aging on CD4+ regulatory T cells that are master regulators of the immune system remains largely unclear. Here, we report cellular and molecular hallmarks of regulatory T cells derived from murine lymphoid and adipose tissues at 3, 18, and 24 mo of age, respectively, by analyzing their heterogeneity that displays dynamic changes in transcriptomic effector signatures at a single-cell resolution. Although the proportion of regulatory T cells among total Cd4(+) T cells, as well as their expression levels of Foxp3, did not show any global change with time, we have identified 6 transcriptomically distinct clusters of regulatory T cells with cross-tissue conserved hallmarks of aging, including increased numbers of proinflammatory regulatory T cells, reduced precursor cells, increased immature and mature T follicular regulatory cells potentially supported by a metabolic switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, a gradual loss of CD150(hi) regulatory T cells that support hematopoiesis, and increased adipose tissue-specific regulatory T cells that are associated with metabolic disease. To dissect the impact of immunosenescence on humoral immunity, we propose some potential mechanisms underlying T follicular regulatory cell-mediated dysfunction by interactome analysis on T follicular regulatory cells, T follicular helper cells, and B cells during aging. Lastly, spatiotemporal analysis further revealed trajectories of regulatory T-cell aging that demonstrate the most significant changes in marrow and adipose tissues that might contribute to the development of age-related immunosenescence and type 2 diabetes. Taken together, our findings could provide a better understanding of age-associated regulatory T-cell heterogeneity in lymphoid and adipose tissues, as well as regulatory T-cell hallmarks during progressive adaptation to aging that could be therapeutically targeted for rejuvenating the aging immune system in the future.
aging,B cells,humoral immunity,scRNA-seq,Tfh,Tfr,Treg
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