Protocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome.

Jitendra Awasthi, Cheyenne Harris-Starling,Carla Kalvin,Brian Pittman, Haesoo Park,Michael Bloch,Thomas V Fernandez,Denis G Sukhodolsky,Michelle Hampson

Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging(2023)

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This article describes the protocol for a randomized, controlled clinical trial of a neurofeedback (NF) intervention for Tourette Syndrome (TS) and chronic tic disorder. The intervention involves using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to provide feedback regarding activity in the supplementary motor area: participants practice controlling this brain area while using the feedback as a training signal. The previous version of this NF protocol was tested in a small study (n = 21) training adolescents with TS that yielded clinically promising results. Therefore, we plan a larger trial. Here we describe the background literature that motivated this work, the design of our original neurofeedback study protocol, and adaptations of the research study protocol for the new trial. We focus on those ideas incorporated into our protocol that may be of interest to others designing and running NF studies. For example, we highlight our approach for defining an unrelated brain region to be trained in the control group that is based on identifying a region with low functional connectivity to the target area. Consistent with a desire for transparency and open science, the new protocol is described in detail here prior to conducting the trial.
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