The digital inclusion in initial teacher education: a systematic review


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INTRODUCTION. Digital inclusion is one of the great challenges facing the education system and, therefore, initial teacher education. The aim of the study is to analyse the scientific pro-duction that explains how digital inclusion is dealt with during initial teacher education. METHOD. A systematic review of the literature was carried out in accordance with the param-eters set out in the PRISMA statement. The databases consulted during the search strategy were Web of Science, Scopus, and ERIC. The search period was between 2017 and 2021. The review process resulted in 20 articles that have been the object of study of the research. RESULTS. Most of the articles reviewed are research articles and only two are presented as formative ex-periences. The sources consulted mainly use quantitative or qualitative methods, very few mixed methods. The conceptual approach to the concept of digital inclusion, in most cases, refers to didactic aspects, the use of devices and applications. Digital inclusion is considered a fundamental aspect of initial teacher education. DISCUSSION. Despite the relevance given to digital inclusion by many educational institutions, there is a very small sample found in data-bases dealing with pedagogical and/or didactic experiences related to the promotion of digital inclusion during initial teacher training. Both active teachers and future teachers who are cur-rently studying at university are in favour of incorporating ICT into their professional practice. Along these lines, some of the studies reviewed during the research indicate the need to rein-force the teaching of digital competence, ergo digital inclusion, in initial teacher education plans.
Digital inclusion, Teacher training, Educational research, College of education, Edu-cational technology
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