In-Timestep Remeshing for Contacting Elastodynamics

ACM Trans. Graph.(2023)

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We propose In-Timestep Remeshing, a fully coupled, adaptive meshing algorithm for contacting elastodynamics where remeshing steps are tightly integrated, implicitly, within the timestep solve. Our algorithm refines and coarsens the domain automatically by measuring physical energy changes within each ongoing timestep solve. This provides consistent, degree-of-freedom-efficient, productive remeshing that, by construction, is physics-aware and so avoids the errors, over-refinements, artifacts, per-example hand-tuning, and instabilities commonly encountered when remeshing with timestepping methods. Our in-timestep computation then ensures that each simulation step's output is both a converged stable solution on the updated mesh and a temporally consistent trajectory with respect to the model and solution of the last timestep. At the same time, the output is guaranteed safe (intersection- and inversion-free) across all operations. We demonstrate applications across a wide range of extreme stress tests with challenging contacts, sharp geometries, extreme compressions, large timesteps, and wide material stiffness ranges - all scenarios well-appreciated to challenge existing remeshing methods.
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Key words
Adaptive Meshing,Elastodynamics,Variational Contact,Friction
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