An Efficient Authentication Protocol for Brand Cosmetics Anti-Counterfeiting System.

Xiangwei Meng, Qingchun Yu, Wei Lang, Yufeng Liang,Zisang Xu,Kuanching Li


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The counterfeit brand cosmetics made available on the market have always been a widespread concern. Traditional anti-counterfeiting schemes usually focus on the authenticity of brand cosmetics. However, verifying the identity of the sales counter is also a challenging issue to be solved. In this paper, we propose a new authentication protocol for brand cosmetics anti-counterfeiting system which is used for checking the identity of sales counter and the authenticity of brand cosmetics. The sales counter authenticated by the anticounterfeiting server obtains a cosmetic authentication confirmation about the authenticity of the brand cosmetic. Besides, the security of proposed protocol is proved by informally analysis. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed protocol is efficiency.
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Key words
Anti-counterfeiting,authentication protocol,security
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