The Combination of Recognition Technology and Artificial Intelligence for Questioning and Clarification Mechanisms to Facilitate Meaningful EFL Writing in Authentic Contexts.

Wu-Yuin Hwang,Rio Nurtantyana, Yu-Fu Lai, I-Chin Nonie Chiang,George Ghinea, Ming-Hsiu Michelle Tsai


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Most studies of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing usually used grammar checking to help EFL learners to check writing errors. However, it is not enough since EFL learners have to learn how to create more meaningful content, particularly using their surroundings in authentic contexts. Therefore, we develop one app, Ubiquitous English (UEnglish), with recognition technology, particularly Image-to-Text Recognition (ITR) texts to provide the vocabulary and description from authentic pictures, and generative-AI that can generate meaningful questions and clarifications to trigger EFL learners to write more. In addition, EFL learners need to answer the question from generative-AI before they receive the clarification. Hence, we proposed a Smart Questioning-Answering-Clarification (QAC) mechanism to help EFL writing. A total of 35 participants were assigned into two groups, experimental groups (EG) with 19 learners and control groups (CG) with 16 learners with/without Smart QAC mechanism support, respectively. In this study, the quasi-experiment was conducted over five weeks and we used quantitative analysis methods. The results revealed that the EG with ITR-texts and Smart QAC had a significant difference with CG in the learning behaviors and post-test. Furthermore, EG could write more meaningful words in the assignments. Therefore, the Smart QAC mechanism could facilitate EFL learners to enhance their EFL writing in authentic contexts.
meaningful efl writing,questioning,artificial intelligence,recognition technology
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