The use of an Inductive Sensor in the Assessment of Respiratory System Efficiency During Exercise - Preliminary Study.


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Breath monitoring can be useful for athletes i.e. it can be used to control the intensity of exercise and optimize training. In some sport disciplines such as running, cycling or triathlon, controlling breathing is crucial for maintaining efficiency and achieving better results. The purpose of our research is to check whether a wearable respiratory waveform registration system can be useful for monitoring the activity and efficiency of athletes. The 6 participants took part in various exercises such as: 60-minute fitness classes on trampolines (jumping frog), running on a treadmill, squats, training with barbells, stair climber training and cycling. This measurement shows at what point the participant begins to tire, which stage of the exercise is already tiring enough for the participant, that the breathing needs to be calmed down. That System makes it easy to monitor the course of such an exercise. The device allows one to monitor breathing in real-time, verify fitness during exercise and keep track of a person's efficiency. It allows verification of a person's progress both in real-time and at any time, which can be observed by experts, personal trainers, or doctors.
telemedicine,biomedical sensors,biomedical signals,respiratory monitoring
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