Microbial oil, alone or paired with -glucans, can control hypercholesterolemia in a zebrafish model

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids(2023)

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Dyslipidemia is often associated with unhealthy dietary habits, and many mammalian studies have explored the mode of action of certain bioactive compounds such as beta-glucans and n-3 PUFAs to understand their potential to normalize the lipid metabolism. There are only a few investigations that adopted omic approaches to unveil their combined effect on hypercholesterolemia. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) was used as a model organism to reveal the efficacy of Schizochytrium oil and beta-glucans (from Euglena gracilis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum) against cholesterol-rich diet induced dyslipidemia. One of the folowing four diets was fed to a particular group of fish: a control high-cholesterol diet, a Schizochytrium oil diet or one of the two diets containing the oil and beta-glucan. The plasma HDL, expression of hepatic genes linked to, among others, ferric ion binding and plasma phosphatidyl-cholines were higher and plasma cholesterol esters and triacylglycerols were lower in the microbial oil-fed fish compared to the fish fed high cholesterol diet. While the fish fed a mix of microbial oil and Euglena beta-glucan had lower plasma triacylglycerols and expression of hepatic genes linked to PPAR signaling pathway and enriched biosynthesis of plasma unsaturated fatty acids, the fish fed microbial oil-Phaeodactylum beta-glucan combination had lower abundance of triacylglycerols rich in saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol esters in the plasma.
microbial oil,hypercholesterolemia,zebrafish
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