Pharmacometabolomic Approach to Investigate the Response to Metformin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Khaled Naja,Najeha Anwardeen, Moustafa Al-Hariri,Asmaa A Al Thani,Mohamed A Elrayess


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Metformin constitutes the foundation therapy in type 2 diabetes (T2D). Despite its multiple beneficial effects and widespread use, there is considerable inter-individual variability in response to metformin. Our objective is to identify metabolic signatures associated with poor and good responses to metformin, which may improve our ability to predict outcomes for metformin treatment. In this cross-sectional study, clinical and metabolic data for 119 patients with type 2 diabetes taking metformin were collected from the Qatar Biobank. Patients were empirically dichotomized according to their HbA levels into good and poor responders. Differences in the level of metabolites between these two groups were compared using orthogonal partial least square discriminate analysis (OPLS-DA) and linear models. Good responders showed increased levels of sphingomyelins, acylcholines, and glutathione metabolites. On the other hand, poor responders showed increased levels of metabolites resulting from glucose metabolism and gut microbiota metabolites. The results of this study have the potential to increase our knowledge of patient response variability to metformin and carry significant implications for enabling personalized medicine.
metabolic signatures,metformin,personalized medicine,response variability,type 2 diabetes
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