Concordance of emergency department physicians' decisions on HIV post-exposure prophylaxis with national guidelines: results from a retrospective cohort study

Johannes Heck, Christoph Hoener zu Siederdissen,Olaf Krause, Sebastian Schroeder, Martin Schulze Westhoff,Patrick-Pascal Strunz,Carsten Schumacher, Dirk O. Stichtenoth,Jacobus J. Bosch, Thorben Pape,Felix Koop,Benjamin Krichevsky


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Background: Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is an effective tool to prevent infection with HIV. Patients seeking PEP after potential HIV exposure usually present to the emergency department (ED). Our study sought to determine the concordance of ED physicians decisions on HIV-PEP with national guidelines (primary objective) and to assess the clinical relevance of drugdrug interactions (DDIs) between the HIV-PEP regimen and patients concomitant medication (secondary objective). Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study at the ED of Hannover Medical School, Germany. Between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2019, 113 of 11 246 screened patients presented to the ED after potential HIV exposure and were enrolled in the study. Results: The median age of the patients (82.3% male) was 30 y (IQR 2535.5), 85.8% of potential HIV exposures were characterised as sexual and 85.0% presented within 72 h. ED physicians decisions on HIV-PEP were concordant with national guidelines in 93.8%. No clinically relevant DDIs were detected. Conclusions: ED physicians decisions on HIV-PEP were highly concordant with national guidelines. Approximately 1% of patient presentations to the ED were related to HIV exposure; therefore, training ED physicians on HIV transmission risk assessment and indications/contraindications for HIV-PEP is paramount.
drug safety,drug-drug interactions,emergency department,human immunodeficiency virus,internal medicine,post-exposure prophylaxis
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