RESOLVE and ECO: Finding Low-metallicity z ∼0 Dwarf AGN Candidates Using Optimized Emission-line Diagnostics

Carolina Digital Repository (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)(2022)

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Existing star-forming vs. active galactic nucleus (AGN) classification schemes using optical emission-line diagnostics mostly fail for low-metallicity and/or highly star-forming galaxies, missing AGN in typical $z\sim0$ dwarfs. To recover AGN in dwarfs with strong emission lines (SELs), we present a classification scheme optimizing the use of existing optical diagnostics. We use SDSS emission-line catalogs overlapping the volume- and mass-limited RESOLVE and ECO surveys to determine the AGN percentage in SEL dwarfs. Our photoionization grids show that the [O III]/H$\beta$ versus [S II]/H$\alpha$ diagram (SII plot) and [O III]/H$\beta$ versus [O I]/H$\alpha$ diagram (OI plot) are less metallicity sensitive and more successful in identifying dwarf AGN than the popular [O III]/H$\beta$ versus [N II]/H$\alpha$ diagnostic (NII plot or "BPT diagram"). We identify a new category of "star-forming AGN" (SF-AGN) classified as star-forming by the NII plot but as AGN by the SII and/or OI plots. Including SF-AGN, we find the $z\sim0$ AGN percentage in dwarfs with SELs to be $\sim$3-16\%, far exceeding most previous optical estimates ($\sim$1\%). The large range in our dwarf AGN percentage reflects differences in spectral fitting methodologies between catalogs. The highly complete nature of RESOLVE and ECO allows us to normalize strong emission-line galaxy statistics to the full galaxy population, reducing the dwarf AGN percentage to $\sim$0.6-3.0\%. The newly identified SF-AGN are mostly gas-rich dwarfs with halo mass $ < 10^{11.5} M_\odot$, where highly efficient cosmic gas accretion is expected. Almost all SF-AGN also have low metallicities (Z $\lesssim 0.4$ Z$_\odot$), demonstrating the advantage of our method.
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