Treatment of deep wrinkles with superficial application technique of hyaluronic acid

Marisa Gonzaga da Cunha,Ana Lúcia Gonzaga da Cunha, Luciana Gasques, Carlos D Apparecida Machado Filho, Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca

Journal of clinical and cosmetic dermatology(2023)

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Introduction: Throughout the aging process, the skin is subject to continuous structural, cellular and molecular modifications that affect not only its mechanical properties but also its biological and physiological functions, which clinically, it manifests with dry skin, loss of elasticity and the consequent appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and creases, representing a therapeutic challenge with a difficult solution. Objective: To describe the superficial application technique of cohesive polydensified matrix hyaluronic acid (Belotero soft®) for the resolutive treatment of superficial perioral, periorbicular and lateral wrinkles and creases of the face. Conclusion: The superficial and transversal application technique showed to be ideal for the treatment of wrinkles and superficial creases, without description of important adverse effects or Tyndall effect with the cohesive polydensified matrix hyaluronic acid that was applied.
deep wrinkles,hyaluronic acid,superficial application technique,treatment
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