Disentanglement Learning via Topology

ICML 2024(2024)

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We propose TopDis (Topological Disentanglement), a method for learning disentangled representations via adding a multi-scale topological loss term. Disentanglement is a crucial property of data representations substantial for the explainability and robustness of deep learning models and a step towards high-level cognition. The state-of-the-art methods are based on VAE and encourage the joint distribution of latent variables to be factorized. We take a different perspective on disentanglement by analyzing topological properties of data manifolds. In particular, we optimize the topological similarity for data manifolds traversals. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first one to propose a differentiable topological loss for disentanglement learning. Our experiments have shown that the proposed TopDis loss improves disentanglement scores such as MIG, FactorVAE score, SAP score, and DCI disentanglement score with respect to state-of-the-art results while preserving the reconstruction quality. Our method works in an unsupervised manner, permitting us to apply it to problems without labeled factors of variation. The TopDis loss works even when factors of variation are correlated. Additionally, we show how to use the proposed topological loss to find disentangled directions in a trained GAN.
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