A Unified Framework for 3D Point Cloud Visual Grounding


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3D point cloud visual grounding plays a critical role in 3D scene comprehension, encompassing 3D referring expression comprehension (3DREC) and segmentation (3DRES). We argue that 3DREC and 3DRES should be unified in one framework, which is also a natural progression in the community. To explain, 3DREC can help 3DRES locate the referent, while 3DRES can also facilitate 3DREC via more finegrained language-visual alignment. To achieve this, this paper takes the initiative step to integrate 3DREC and 3DRES into a unified framework, termed 3D Referring Transformer (3DRefTR). Its key idea is to build upon a mature 3DREC model and leverage ready query embeddings and visual tokens from the 3DREC model to construct a dedicated mask branch. Specially, we propose Superpoint Mask Branch, which serves a dual purpose: i) By leveraging the heterogeneous CPU-GPU parallelism, while the GPU is occupied generating visual tokens, the CPU concurrently produces superpoints, equivalently accomplishing the upsampling computation; ii) By harnessing on the inherent association between the superpoints and point cloud, it eliminates the heavy computational overhead on the high-resolution visual features for upsampling. This elegant design enables 3DRefTR to achieve both well-performing 3DRES and 3DREC capacities with only a 6% additional latency compared to the original 3DREC model. Empirical evaluations affirm the superiority of 3DRefTR. Specifically, on the ScanRefer dataset, 3DRefTR surpasses the state-of-the-art 3DRES method by 12.43% in mIoU and improves upon the SOTA 3DREC method by 0.6% Acc@0.25IoU.
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