Enhanced Sub-kpc Scale Star-formation: Results From A JWST Size Analysis of 339 Galaxies At 5<z<14

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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We present a comprehensive search and analysis of high-redshift galaxies in a suite of nine public JWST extragalactic fields taken in Cycle 1, covering a total effective search area of $\sim358{\rm arcmin^2}$. Through conservative ($8\sigma$) photometric selection, we identify 339 galaxies at $51.5\,\sigma$ below the derived size-mass slope. These compact sources exhibit a high star formation surface density $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}>10\,M_\odot\,{\rm yr^{-1}\,kpc^{-2}}$, a range in which only $<0.01\,\%$ of the local star-forming galaxy sample is found. For those with available NIRSpec data, no evidence of ongoing supermassive black hole accretion is observed. A potential explanation for the observed high [OIII]-to-Hbeta ratios could be high shock velocities, likely originating within intense star-forming regions characterized by high $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$. Lastly, we find that the rest-frame UV and optical sizes of our sample are comparable. Our results are consistent with these early galaxies building up their structures inside-out and yet to exhibit the strong color gradient seen at lower redshift.
jwst size analysis
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