A/B Testing: A Systematic Literature Review


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In A/B testing two variants of a piece of software are compared in the field from an end user's point of view, enabling data-driven decision making. While widely used in practice, no comprehensive study has been conducted on the state-of-the-art in A/B testing. This paper reports the results of a systematic literature review that analyzed 141 primary studies. The results shows that the main targets of A/B testing are algorithms and visual elements. Single classic A/B tests are the dominating type of tests. Stakeholders have three main roles in the design of A/B tests: concept designer, experiment architect, and setup technician. The primary types of data collected during the execution of A/B tests are product/system data and user-centric data. The dominating use of the test results are feature selection, feature rollout, and continued feature development. Stakeholders have two main roles during A/B test execution: experiment coordinator and experiment assessor. The main reported open problems are enhancement of proposed approaches and their usability. Interesting lines for future research include: strengthen the adoption of statistical methods in A/B testing, improving the process of A/B testing, and enhancing the automation of A/B testing.
systematic literature review,testing,literature review
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