Sociosexuality and Capacity to Love: The Influence of Primary Bonds for Disengaged Sexual Behavior


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Sociosexual Orientation has been described as "individual differences in willingness to have sex with people with whom there is no emotional relationship". This study aims to investigate a possible correlation between Sociosexual Orientation (SO) and the Capacity to Love (CTL) and explore differences in well-being or distress between sociosexual persons and a sample of subjects that do not respond to this orientation. Through an online platform, a convenience sample of 521 subjects was recruited. Enrolled subjects compiled a psychometric protocol composed of the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), the Capacity to Love Inventory (CTL-I), the Brief Symptoms Inventory and the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ). A significant reverse correlation was found between the CTL and SO: unrestricted sociosexuality corresponded to a lower CTL. Psychological distress was present in the case of a limited CTL; in contrast, no correlation was found between psychological distress and sociosexuality. The SO also presented a significant correlation with the Dismissing Attachment Style as measured by RQ and the latter of which was also correlated with some sub-dimensions of the CTL. In fact, the analysis showed that both the CTL and the Dismissing Attachment Style were, respectively, protective and predictive factors of Sociosexuality. Limitation in the CTL, combined with an insecure attachment style, is associated with SO and psychological distress. Sociosexuality, although reversely correlated with CTL, is considered a non-pathological trait. Therefore, adequate knowledge about the relationship between the considered variables can promote sexological health and prevent some risky behaviours.
Capacity to love,Sociosexuality,Attachment style
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