AToMiC: An Image/Text Retrieval Test Collection to Support Multimedia Content Creation


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This paper presents the AToMiC (Authoring Tools for Multimedia Content) dataset, designed to advance research in image/text cross-modal retrieval. While vision-language pretrained transformers have led to significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness, existing research has relied on image-caption datasets that feature only simplistic image-text relationships and underspecified user models of retrieval tasks. To address the gap between these oversimplified settings and real-world applications for multimedia content creation, we introduce a new approach for building retrieval test collections. We leverage hierarchical structures and diverse domains of texts, styles, and types of images, as well as large-scale image-document associations embedded in Wikipedia. We formulate two tasks based on a realistic user model and validate our dataset through retrieval experiments using baseline models. AToMiC offers a testbed for scalable, diverse, and reproducible multimedia retrieval research. Finally, our dataset provides the basis for a dedicated track at the 2023 Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), and is publicly available at
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Authoring tools,Multimedia content creation,Image-Text Retrieval
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