Asynchronous Control for Tsetlin Machine with Binary Memristor-Transistor Array.


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Tsetlin machines (TMs) are a novel machine learning paradigm based on learning automata and Boolean logic inference, with better energy-efficiency and explainability than neural networks. This work exploits non-volatile ReRAM-transistor memory arrays to perform efficient in-memory TM computing. To accommodate the large timing variability of ReRAM devices and enhance energy efficiency and speed, the control path is implemented with quasi delay-insensitive (QDI) asynchronous circuits. The design of these circuits are derived and synthesized from their signal-transition graph specifications using the Workcraft tool. The resulting circuits offer high event-driven controllability and high variation tolerance for the mixed-signal ReRAM data path. Compared to state of the art TM hardware, the new TM design uses less than 5% of the power to achieve better than 4x the performance.
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Memristor, Tsetlin Machine, In-Memory Compute, Asynchronous Control Logic, STG, Low Power Control
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