Rethinking Collaborative Perception from the Spatial-Temporal Importance of Semantic Information


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Collaboration by the sharing of semantic information is crucial to enable the enhancement of perception capabilities. However, existing collaborative perception methods tend to focus solely on the spatial features of semantic information, while neglecting the importance of the temporal dimension in collaborator selection and semantic information fusion, which instigates performance degradation. In this article, we propose a novel collaborative perception framework, IoSI-CP, which takes into account the importance of semantic information (IoSI) from both temporal and spatial dimensions. Specifically, we develop an IoSI-based collaborator selection method that effectively identifies advantageous collaborators but excludes those that bring negative benefits. Moreover, we present a semantic information fusion algorithm called HPHA (historical prior hybrid attention), which integrates a multi-scale transformer module and a short-term attention module to capture IoSI from spatial and temporal dimensions, and assigns varying weights for efficient aggregation. Extensive experiments on two open datasets demonstrate that our proposed IoSI-CP significantly improves the perception performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches. The code associated with this research is publicly available at
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