Design and Application of High Fidelity IPTV CDN Test-bed Based on User Viewing Behavior Model.


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In the past IPTV CDN servers test of China telecom, the testers only conducted stress tests on a single device. The test model only takes into account the factors based on the characteristics of user concurrent traffic, not the end-to-end model and the replacement of video popularity based on user behavior. Therefore, the test results do not accurately reflect the performance of CDN devices in the real environment. According to the current network IPTV CDN networking architecture and service requirements, this paper customized the IPTV CDN service performance index architecture, and designed the end-to-end IPTV CDN test bed. At the same time, based on the in-depth analysis and research of the IPTV user access log of a province and the change rule of video heat, this paper designs a user access model with a long-time stability, proposes the intelligent replacement algorithm of content heat, and deploys it in the IPTV CDN test bed. The high-fidelity IPTV CDN test bed proposed in this paper has been officially launched by China Telecom, and has undertaken the evaluation and test of many commercial CDN equipment, as the technical basis of CDN equipment procurement of China Telecom.
IPTV, CDN, test-bed, video popularity replacement
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