W3Chain: A Layer2 Blockchain Defeating the Scalability Trilemma.


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Scalability trilemma is a classical research topic in the area of blockchains. To defeat such trilemma, many previous solutions have been proposed. However, none of those previous solutions can break such scalability trilemma. In this paper, we present a new Layer2 blockchain called W3Chain, which is promising to deliver high transactions per second (TPS) while defeating the scalability trilemma of a public blockchain. To enable the claimed performance, we particularly design our W3Chain by decoupling the correctness of the blockchain into two parts and adopting several crucial technical issues such as the reconfiguration of committees, the design of query APIs, and the handling of cross-shard transactions. We also propose a TimeBeacon Chain (TBChain) to record pivotal data of W3Chain. To show the correctness and safety features, we rigorously analyze multiple properties of W3Chain, including decentralization, scalability, and security under typical attacks. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations using Ethereum's historical transactions to examine the proposed W3Chain. The evaluation results show that our W3Chain can achieve a TPS as high as 10K+, and much lower transaction confirmation latency compared with Ethereum.
Scalability, Blockchain, Sharding
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