Confident Monte Carlo: Rigorous Analysis of Guessing Curves for Probabilistic Password Models


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In password security a defender would like to identify and warn users with weak passwords. Similarly, the defender may also want to predict what fraction of passwords would be cracked within B guesses as the attacker’s guessing budget B varies from small (online attacker) to large (offline attacker). Towards each of these goals the defender would like to quickly estimate the guessing number for each user password pwd assuming that the attacker uses a password cracking model M i.e., how many password guesses will the attacker check before s/he cracks each user password pwd. Since naïve brute-force enumeration can be prohibitively expensive when the guessing number is very large, Dell’Amico and Filippone [1] developed an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate the guessing number of a given password pwd. While Dell’Amico and Filippone proved that their estimator is unbiased there is no guarantee that the Monte Carlo estimates are accurate nor does the method provide confidence ranges on the estimated guessing number or even indicate if/when there is a higher degree of uncertainty.Our contributions are as follows: First, we identify theoretical examples where, with high probability, Monte Carlo Strength estimation produces highly inaccurate estimates of individual guessing numbers as well as the entire guessing curve. Second, we introduce Confident Monte Carlo Strength Estimation as an extension of Dell’Amico and Filippone [1]. Given a password our estimator generates an upper and lower bound with the guarantee that, except with probability δ, the true guessing number lies within the given confidence range. Our techniques can also be used to characterize the attacker’s guessing curve. In particular, given a probabilistic password cracking model M we can generate high confidence upper and lower bounds on the fraction of passwords that the attacker will crack as the guessing budget B varies.
Monte Carlo Estimation, Password Cracking Models, Concentration bounds
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