Cognitive Mapping for AI-Augmented Interactive Print.

HCI (21)(2023)

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Interaction design has evolved in recent decades, being improved by artificial intelligence, ubiquitous computing, internet of things and tangible materials. While some research regards combining print media with interaction as an opportunity for development, the quantity of relevant publications is underwhelming, as it can be regarded as a difficult and risky approach. We noted a lack of scientific focus on interactive print probably due to dispersed knowledge of areas that contribute to understanding this phenomenon. To fill this deficit, we propose a first combination of main concepts and their respective connections, to draw a more enlightening framework of understanding and which will aid future research. We intend to know what are the relations between print media, interaction, understood by its materiality and tangibility, HCI and the challenges of AI and ML. How has each wave of HCI affected this set of concepts? How can research regarding interactive print enhanced by AI and ML move forward? Taking on the challenge of articulating concepts and definitions, we produced a cognitive map to better understand interactive print. Our cognitive map reveals the need to deepen research between all areas that surround interaction design and print media that still have social, cultural and educational relevance. The map contributes with a possible network of connections to elaborate theoretical frameworks at the intersection of these areas and opens a space of opportunities for designers to act.
cognitive mapping,ai-augmented
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