Force-dependent intercellular adhesion strengthening underlies asymmetric adherens junction contraction

Current Biology(2022)

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(Current Biology 32, 1986–2000.e1–e5; May 9, 2022) Several errors were discovered after publication of the paper. First, the Figure 1A legend mentioned the use of MDCK cells; this is incorrect and has now been corrected to state the use of Caco-2 cells. Second, we have added two citations to properly acknowledge previous work that identified sub-junctional sites of Rho activation that occur along cell-cell junctions and coined the term "flares." While future work is needed to fully explore whether the mechanisms of Rho activation are similar across these disparate systems, our choice of terminology was inspired from this previous work and these studies should be properly acknowledged. The insertion of these two references now corrects this oversight. The authors apologize for these errors. These changes do not affect the conclusions of the study. Force-dependent intercellular adhesion strengthening underlies asymmetric adherens junction contractionCavanaugh et al.Current BiologyApril 4, 2022In BriefCavanaugh et al. use optogenetic control of RhoA in model epithelia and biophysical modeling to reveal a force-dependent intercellular clutch acting at tricellular vertices anchoring cell-cell junctions. RhoA mediates a force-sensitive E-cadherin adhesion strengthening to generate asymmetries in vertex motion which underlie junction contractions. Full-Text PDF Open Archive
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