Managing HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Help-Seeking Behaviors on a Social Media Forum.

AIDS and behavior(2023)

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Although numerous editorials claim the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted vulnerable populations, particularly those affected by HIV, these claims have received limited empirical evaluation. We analyzed posts to Reddit's r/HIVAIDS from January 3, 2012 through April 30, 2022 to (a) assess changes in the volume of posts during the pandemic and (b) determine the needs of HIV affected communities. There were cumulatively 100% (95%CI: 75-126) more posts than expected since the US declared a pandemic emergency. The most prevalent themes in these posts were for obtaining an HIV + diagnosis (representing 34% (95%CI:29-40) of all posts), seeking HIV treatment (20%; 95%CI:16-25), finding psychosocial support (16%; 95%CI:12-20), and tracking disease progression (8%; 95%CI:5-11). Discussions about PrEP and PEP were the least common, representing less than 6% of all posts each. Social media has increasingly become an important health resource for vulnerable populations seeking information, advice, and support. Public health organizations should recognize how the lay public uses social media and collaborate with social media companies to ensure that the needs of help-seekers on these platforms are met.
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