KG-Roar: Interactive Datalog-based Reasoning on Virtual Knowledge Graphs

VLDB 2023(2023)

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Logic-based Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are gaining momentum in academia and industry thanks to the rise of expressive and efficient languages for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR). These languages accurately express business rules, through which valuable new knowledge is derived. A versatile and scalable back-end reasoner, like Vadalog, a state-of-the-art system for logic-based KGs-based on an extension of Datalog-executes the reasoning. In this demo, we present KG-Roar, a web-based interactive development and navigation environment for logical KGs. The system lets the user augment an input graph database with intensional definitions of new nodes and edges and turn it into a KG, via the metaphor of reasoning widgets-user-defined or off-the-shelf code snippets that capture business definitions in the Vadalog language. Then, the user can seamlessly browse the original and the derived nodes and edges within a "Virtual Knowledge Graph", which is reasoned upon and generated interactively at runtime, thanks to the scalability and responsiveness of Vadalog. KG-Roar is domain-independent but domain aware, as exploration controls are contextually generated based on the intensional definitions. We walk the audience through KG-Roar showcasing the construction of certain business definitions and putting it into action on a real-world financial KG, from our work with the Bank of Italy.
virtual knowledge graphs,reasoning,kg-roar,datalog-based
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