Dendrochronologically dated pine stumps document phase wise bog expansion at a northwest German site between c. 6700 BC and c. 3400 BC

Inke Elisabeth Maike Achterberg,Jan Eckstein, Bernhard Birkholz,Andreas Bauerochse, Hanns Hubert Leuschner


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Abstract. This is a dendrochronological investigation of a mire site densely covered by peat-preserved pine stumps (Pinus sylvestris). The site in the northwest German Tote Moor revealed to feature trees from various Holocene millennia. The dendrochronologically dated site chronology covers 2345 years between 6703 BC and 3403 BC, containing 5 gaps between 6 and 550 years in length. It consists of 477 trees. A floating chronology segment of 309 years, containing 30 trees, was radiocarbon dated to the beginning of the 7th millennium cal. BC. The tree ring data from the site documents environmental changes over a larger period of time. Furthermore, the site is covered densely with in situ tree stumps from the fen-bog transition. This facilitates the spatio-temporal reconstruction of mire development, which is based on 212 in situ tree stumps in the case study presented here. Peat-stratigraphical survey was carried out additionally, and elevations a.s.l. were determined at several locations. Tree die-off phases, which indicate the local water level rise, mostly in context of the local fen-bog transition, are evident for c. 6600–6450 BC, c. 6350–5750 BC, c. 5300–4900 BC, c. 4700–4550 BC, c. 3900–3850 BC, 3700–3600 BC, c. 3500–3450 BC and c. 3400 BC.
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