Advanced Nursing Practice als Konzept für die Versorgung von Menschen mit außerklinischer Beatmung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse einer Bedarfs- und Curriculumanalyse

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen(2023)

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Introduction Outpatient intensive care for people on home mechanical ventilation (HMV) is a complex area of care with high demands on the nurses specialised in this field. Internationally, academic qualification as an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) has become established in these fields of specialised care. Despite the large number of further training opportunities, there is no university qualification for home mechanical ventilation in Germany. Based on a demand- and curriculum analysis, this study therefore defines the role of an APN for home mechanical ventilation (APN-HMV). Methods The study structure is based on the PEPPA framework (Participatory, Evidence-based and Patient-focused Process for the Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Advanced Practice Nursing). The need for a new model of care was determined with a qualitative secondary analysis based on interviews with health care professionals (n = 87) and a curriculum analysis (n = 5). Analyses were conducted using the Hamric model with a deductive-inductive approach. Subsequently, the main problems and objectives to improve the model of care were agreed upon in the research group, and the APN-HMV role was defined. Results The qualitative secondary data analysis illustrates the need for APN core competencies, especially in the psychosocial area and in family-centred care. The curriculum analysis resulted in a total of 1,375 coded segments. The focus of the curricula was on the central competency “direct clinical practice” (1,116 coded segments) and thus on ventilatory and critical care measures. Based on the results, the profile of APN-HMV could be defined. Conclusions The introduction of an APN-HMV can usefully complement the skill and grade mix in outpatient intensive care and counteract care problems in this highly specialised area. The study provides a basis for the development of appropriate academic programmes or advanced training courses at universities.
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