Effectiveness and tolerance of an oral nutritional supplement highly concentrated in protein and energy in elderly subjects at risk of malnutrition

Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme(2020)

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of an oral nutritional supplement that is highly concentrated in protein and energy in elderly subjects who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. Twenty-four subjects aged between 70 and 94 years old, who had lost an average of 8.2% of their body weight and whose intake was 70% lower than their requirements, received a nutritional supplement (Fortimel® Protein 200mL, NUTRICIA) over a period of four weeks at a rate of two bottles per day (one unit providing 480kcal and 29g of protein). The analysis carried out at the end of this period showed a significant increase in muscular strength measured by hand grip [on average 19.5±7.05kg at D0 and 21.0±8.1kg at D28 (P=0.002)]. The patients’ weight rose on average by 0.6±1.9kg (P=0.08). Patient appetite improved overall as evidenced by the significant increase in spontaneous intake and dietary protein contribution. Overall health status as perceived by patients did not significantly improve. The product was well received by patients (median adherence rate of 93.5%) and generally well tolerated, even if certain patients complained about minor digestive disorders, which led to reduced adherence.
Malnutrition,Oral nutritional supplement,Muscular strength,Adherence
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