Instability of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis.

Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)(2023)

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The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis (DTFS) is more frequently injured than previously thought. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment is essential to avoid long term complications like chronic instability, early osteoarthritis and residual pain. Management of these injuries require a complete understanding of the anatomy of DTFS, and the role played by the ligaments stabilizing the DTFS and ankle. High index of suspicion, appreciating the areas of focal tenderness and utilizing the provocative maneuvers help in early diagnosis. In pure ligamentous injuries radiographs with stress of weight bearing help to detect subtle instability. If these images are inconclusive, then further imaging with MRI, CT scan, stress examination under anesthesia, and arthroscopic examination facilitate diagnosis. An injury to syndesmosis frequently accompanies rotational fractures and all ankle fractures need to be stressed intra-operatively under fluoroscopy after fixation of the osseous components to detect syndesmotic instability. Non-operative treatment is appropriate for stable injuries. Unstable injuries should be treated operatively. Anatomic reduction of the syndesmosis is critical, and currently both trans-syndesmotic screws and suture button fixation are commonly used for syndesmotic stabilization. Chronic syndesmotic instability (CSI) requires debridement of syndesmosis, restoration of ankle mortise with or without syndesmotic stabilization. Arthrodesis of ankle is used a last resort in the presence of significant ankle arthritis. This article reviews anatomy and biomechanics of the syndesmosis, the mechanism of pure ligamentous injury and injury associated with ankle fractures, clinical, radiological and arthroscopic diagnosis and surgical treatment.
syndesmosis, ankle, suture button, trans-syndesmotic screws, Instability, deltoid repair
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