Understanding the time-activity pattern to improve the measurement of personal exposure: An exploratory and experimental research.

Zhenglei Li,Yan Ding,Danlu Wang, Ning Kang,Yan Tao,Xiuge Zhao, Bin Zhang, Zuming Zhang

Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)(2023)

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Although ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations and their components are commonly used as proxies for personal exposure monitoring, developing an accurate and cost-effective method to use these proxies for personal exposure measurement continues to pose a significant challenge. Herein, we propose a scenario-based exposure model to precisely estimate personal exposure level of heavy metal(loid)s (HMs) using scenario HMs concentrations and time-activity patterns. Personal exposure levels and ambient pollution levels for PM2.5 and HMs differed significantly with corresponding personal/ambient ratios of approximately 2, and exposure scenarios could narrow the assessment error gap by 26.1-45.4%. Using a scenario-based exposure model, we assessed the associated health risks of a large sample population and identified that the carcinogenic risk of As exceeded 1 × 10-6, while we observed non-carcinogenic risks from As, Cd, Ni, and Mn in personal exposure to PM2.5. We conclude that the scenario-based exposure model is a preferential alternative for monitoring personal exposure compared to ambient concentrations. This method ensures the feasibility of personal exposure monitoring and health risk assessments in large-scale studies.
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