Asymmetric mitosis contributes to different migratory performance in sister cells.

Maurício Tavares Tamborindeguy, Paola Farias Lorenzatto, Marcelo Lazzaron Lamers,Guido Lenz

Experimental cell research(2023)

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In cancer, cell migration contributes to the spread of tumor cells resulting in metastasis. Heterogeneity in the migration capacity can produce individual cells with heightened capacity leading to invasion and metastasis. Our hypothesis is that cell migration characteristics can divide asymmetrically in mitosis, allowing a subset of cells to have a larger contribution to invasion and metastasis. Therefore, our aim is to elucidate whether sister cells have different migratory capacity and analyze if this difference is defined by mitosis. Through time-lapse videos, we analyzed migration speed, directionality, maximum displacement of each trajectory, and velocity as well as cell area and polarity and then compared the values between mother-daughter cells and between sister cells of three tumor cell lines (A172, MCF7, SCC25) and two normal cell lines (MRC5 and CHO·K1 cells). We observed that daughter cells had a different migratory phenotype compared to their mothers, and one single mitosis is enough for the sisters behave like nonrelated cells. However, mitosis did not influence cell area and polarity dynamics. These findings indicates that migration performance is not heritable, and that asymmetric cell division might have an important impact on cancer invasion and metastasis, by producing cells with different migratory capacity.
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