?d-T cell with high toxic potential was associated with recurrent miscarriage

American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)(2023)

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Problem RM is a common clinical disease in reproduction, affecting approximately 1%-3% of women worldwide. Previous studies have shown the role of peripheral blood ?d-T cells during physiological pregnancy. However, the relationship between the immune status of peripheral blood ?d-T cells and RM is still not well defined.Method of Study In this study, mid-luteal peripheral blood from 51 RM patients and 40 healthy women was collected to determine the immune status of ?d-T cells. The percentage of peripheral blood ?d-T cells, and the molecules mediating their toxic potential, including cytotoxic granules (perforin, granzyme B, and granulysin) and receptors (NKG2D, CD158a, and CD158b), were detected by flow cytometry.Results Compared to healthy control, an increase in the proportion of total CD3(+) T cells in lymphocytes and a decrease in the ratio of ?d-T cells to CD3(+) T cells were observed in patients with RM. The percentages of granzyme B+ ?d-T cells and CD158a(+) ?d-T cells in total ?d-T cells or lymphocytes were significantly increased in patients with RM, compared with healthy control. Conversely, CD158b(+) ?d-T cells in total ?d-T cells or lymphocytes were significantly decreased in the RM group.Conclusion Increased peripheral blood ?d-T cell with high toxic potential was associated with RM.
CD158a receptor, CD158b receptor, recurrent miscarriage, toxic granules, & gamma,& delta,-T cell
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