Follicular cells protect Xenopus oocyte from abnormal maturation via integrin signaling downregulation and O-GlcNAcylation control.

The Journal of biological chemistry(2023)

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Xenopus oocytes are encompassed by a layer of follicular cells that contribute to oocyte growth and meiosis in relation to oocyte maturation. However, the effects of the interaction between follicular cells and the oocyte surface on meiotic processes are unclear. Here, we investigated Xenopus follicular cell function using oocyte signaling and heterologous expressing capabilities. We found that oocytes deprotected from their surrounding layer of follicular cells and expressing the EGF receptor and the Grb7 adaptor undergo accelerated prophase I to metaphase II meiosis progression upon stimulation by EGF. This unusual maturation unravels atypical spindle formation but is rescued by inhibiting integrin β1 or Grb7 binding to the EGF receptor. Additionally, we determined that oocytes surrounded by their follicular cells expressing EGFR/Grb7 exhibit normal meiotic resumption. These oocytes are protected from abnormal meiotic spindle formation through the recruitment of O-GlcNAcylated Grb7, and OGT (O-GlcNAc transferase), the enzyme responsible for O-GlcNAcylation processes, in the integrinβ1/EGF receptor complex. Folliculated oocytes can be forced to adopt an abnormal phenotype and exclusive Grb7 Y338 and Y188 phosphorylation instead of O-GlcNAcylation under integrin activation. Furthermore, an O-GlcNAcylation increase (by inhibition of O-GlcNAcase, OGA), the glycosidase that removes O-GlcNAc moieties, or decrease (by inhibition of O-GlcNAc transferase, OGT) amplifies oocyte spindle defects when follicular cells are absent highlighting a control of the meiotic spindle by the OGT/OGA duo. In summary, our study provides further insight into the role of the follicular cell layer in oocyte meiosis progression.
xenopus oocyte,follicular cells,integrin,abnormal maturation,o-glcnacylation
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