Pilot Cadaveric Study of Anatomical Variations of the Median Nerve at the Wrist in the Lithuanian Population.

Markus Neumann,Andrej Suchomlinov


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All hands showed different patterns in comparison to the standard anatomical variation Lanz type 0. The most common result was dedicated to Lanz group 4A. Nineteen out of 30 hands (63%, p<0.01) had an accessory branch proximal to the carpal tunnel, while one of these hands showed a third thenar motor branch. Five hands (16%) were dedicated to Lanz group 2 with an accessory branch distal to the carpal tunnel. One hand (3%) showed a variation close to Lanz group 2, but in this case, the thenar motor branch had its origin under the flexor retinaculum instead of proximal to it. Two hands each (6%) were classified by Lanz groups 1B and 3A. Additionally, one variation showed a pattern of a combination of Lanz types 3A and 3B. The bifid median nerve had a connecting branch in between which started distal to the flexor retinaculum. Two anatomical variations (6%) were not described by the classification of Lanz.
anatomy at the wrist, thenar motor branch of median nerve, median nerve, carpal tunnel, anatomical variations
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