Boosting domestic feed production with less environmental cost through optimized crop distribution

Guichao Dai,Yong Hou, Qunchao Fang, Xiaoying Zhang,Hongliang Wang,Siqi Wang,Xueqin Zhu,Fusuo Zhang,Oene Oenema

Resources, Conservation and Recycling(2023)

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Global cropland expansion and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are largely driven by the growing demand of animal-sourced food. Thus, options are urgently needed to enhancing feed supply at a low environmental cost. Here we explored a set of scenarios about improving domestic feed supply, using a linear optimization model. Results indicate that the total feed (energy and protein) production may be increased by 18-32% through optimizing the spatial distribution of feed crops across provinces, without additional cropland input. GHG emissions and nitrogen and phosphorus inputs per MJ of produced feed decreased by 18-25%, 18-23%, and 16-21%, respectively. The redistribution strategies provide 10-16% additional animal food, which covers the demand of 195-393 million people. Lastly, we provide suggestions for improving the effectiveness of governmental policies related to spatial planning of crops, so as to alleviate the food-feed competition for cropland and to improve environmental sustainability.
Animal feed,Sustainable systems,Land use,Climate change,Agricultural policies
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